For authors

Paper submission guide

Papers of any category should be presented in docx and pdf formats. Final version of the paper should be in strict conformance with the template given in template.

Categories of admissible contributions:

  • regular papers reflecting original scientific results (up to 8 pages);
  • short papers (work in progress) (up to 4 pages);
  • posters (up to two pages);
  • demos (up to two pages);
  • PhD workshop submissions (up to 6 pages).

For reviewing the papers of any category should be uploaded to the CMT site ( Beforehand it is required to be registered at this site. During a paper uploading to this site, it is required to select CMT track to which this paper corresponds:

  • DAMDID Conference (for all paper categories besides those for the PhD workshop);
  • DAMDID PhD Workshop (for the PhD workshop papers).

When uploading a paper to the CMT site it is required also to indicate the paper category (as above) and to what track (tracks) of the conference topics given in the CfP the paper belongs. On the paper uploading the CMT suggests the titles of such tracks as the subject areas. One name should be chosen as the main track, as well as several names might be chosen as the secondary tracks.

Author’s actions during interactions with CMT:

  1. Enters paper's title, abstract, uploads file(s), specifies conflicts of interest with Program Committee members, and answers questions (configured by program chair).
  2. Marks which conference subject areas (configured by program chair) the paper addresses
  3. Enters his/her contact information.
  4. Enters co-author information.
  5. Receives confirmation screen which includes a paper ID and the size of the file uploaded.
  6. Receives notification email for acceptance or rejection (when review process is over).
  7. Uploads camera ready version for accepted papers.
  8. Uploads presentations (slide decks) for accepted papers

Conferences DAMDID/RCDL hold face to face. Acceptance of a paper by the Program Committee assumes mandatory registration at the conference site (should be done before the camera ready submission deadline) and participation of at least one of the authors at the conference and personal presentation of this work.

Camera ready texts of the papers taking into account all reviewer remarks should be uploaded also to the CMT site before the deadline.

General recommendations

Regular Papers (up 8 page) these contributions might contain the results of the theoretic or experimental researches, surveys of researches and developments in various domains, infrastructure-oriented projects, research project state and progress, etc.

Short papers (up to 4 pages) reflect work-in-progress, partial achievements of longer-term projects, surveys, implementation-oriented or architecture-oriented results, etc.

Posters (up to two pages) are intended for ongoing research projects, concrete experiments, or industrial applications/projects presentations, summarizing a series of results, etc. The poster may be presented during sessions reserved for posters and demos. A two-page paper summarizes a presentation intended to be a poster.

Demos (up to two pages) represent special contributions where a tool, an implementation of an application, or a freshly implemented system is presented in its alfa/beta version, etc. It might also be intended for those new applications to gather the attendee opinion. A two-page summary for a demo is intended to be. It would be scheduled for presentation at the poster and demo session.

PhD workshop contributions (up to 6 pages) represent new PhD approaches, surveys, results obtained so far, plans of what still should be done, etc.

Tutorial proposals. Tutorials provide overviews of current high interest topics. Proposals should be for 2-3 hour long. Proposals must contain the title, the summary of the content, and the biography of the presenter(s). Please, send your proposals to

Important dates

Paper submission 18.06.2017
Tutorial application submission 04.06.2017
Notification of acceptance 20.07.2017
Camera-ready papers 15.08.2017
PhD Workshop
Paper submission 23.06.2017
Notification of acceptance 20.07.2017
Camera-ready papers 15.08.2017
Satellite Events
Satellite Event submission 16.04.2017
Notification of acceptance 30.04.2017